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Woman and Dog

Feed the whole family, your dog or cat included.

Give some love, or as the Italians say amore, to your dog or cat with a treat bag.  If you walk down and pickup your order with your pup, we will give your pup a free dog treat.  Love yourself, the environment, and your pup.

Become a Balla Eats Ambassador for Amazing Perks

Are you passionate about Italian food, culture, and international beats?  If the answer is yes, send us a shout out.  We're serving Edmonton fun Italian street eats, and we need your help.  Ambassador perks include things like free food, scooter and ride share, streaming subscriptions, cooking classes, and much more.  Send a shout out with the subject line AMBASSADOR and tell us why you'd like to be an ambassador.  If it catches the eye, someone from the team will be in touch.

Paint Brushes

Your Young Artist Could Win Supper for the Family or for Friends

Are you or your young one the next Michaelangelo or Leonardo Da Vinci?  Submit your art to our monthly art challenge, and if selected, you'll win supper for the family or your friends*.  Art challenge themes are posted to Facebook and Instagram, and the finalists' artwork are featured in our social media gallery.  Your submission can be sent to us at with the subject line ITALYISART - CHALLENGE NAME.  Include a JPG file of your art, full name, age, and phone number. Get creative.  Get Hungry.  *Conditions apply.  Age categories are under 6, 6 to 12, 13 to 19, and 19 to 23.

Scoot on Over for Free Drinks with Your Order

Scooters are synonymous with Italy.  Place your order for pickup, and if you scoot on over, you'll get your drinks free.  Give us a ring when you arrive, tell us what you'd like to drink, and we'll pop it in the bag for you.

Image by Christina Spinnen

Enjoy Italian street eats, and preserve the environment at the same time.

We want you to know the majority of our containers, utensils, and other packaging is made from innovative biodegradable material.  Feel good knowing your order is packaged in a way that reduces your environmental footprint.

How do you say bruschetta?  Italian Food Lingo for Beginners

After Italian Food Lingo for Beginners, a free and fun half hour online crash course in Italian menu pronunciation, you'll order Italian food + drink with confidence and gain an appreciation for the food + culture.  Don’t tell anyone about the food freebies for course attendees!  Feed your mind (and tummy) by clicking here to get your ticket(s).

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